• The emigration police II – Back to the Start

    by  • 19 November, 2003 • Uncategorized • 0 Comments

    Armed with 5 copies of this all important form, without which I would be denied residence in Greece, because I was employed, while Yvonne would be a legal alien, because she was unemployed, I entered the building of the emigration police on the harbor grounds at eight thirty. That morning the ferry boat Knossos Palace had docked at the port just opposite the offices with a fire on the truck deck. The police had their hands full with curious Greeks who didn’t want to miss anything of the enrolling drama, while the security services and the fire brigade tried to evacuate the boat from the top deck, with cranes and exterior stairs, the kind they use at smaller airports. Closer inspection revealed that it was an aircraft stair they were using… My friend the emigration officer had only eyes for what was going on outside and without even looking at the form which I proudly showed him, presented me with the two residence permits. Another 30 seconds later I was out on the street again, with a difference… They can’t legally get rid of me before November 14, 2008.

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