• Plus ça change…

    by  • 7 January, 2008 • General • 1 Comment

    Welcome, welcome! You’re looking at my new blog!

    Actually it is the same blog, but the software that powers it is new: I changed from MovableType to WordPress. The reason? It was about time that I upgraded my old MovableType installation which hadn’t changed since 2004 and which was creaking at its seams. Moreover I was inundated by comment spam due to inadequate spam protection in the rather dated version I was using, forcing me to close all comments. It turned out to be simpler to migrate my content from the old MovableType (2.661) to WordPress than it was to migrate to the latest version of MovableType. I simply exported my Movable type data and imported it in WordPress. Five minutes work.

    Since I was changing the underlying engine I had to pick a new theme anyway, so the appearance looks completely different too. I hope you like it.

    News from the ADSL front: I called 134 first thing in the morning to request a downgrade to 4Mbps. How long will it take? Right! Four to five days. It must be one hell of an operation to coordinate and carry this out. In my naive mind (which is totally distorted of course by 32 years in IT operations and development) it works (or should work) like this:

    • [step 1] customer service staff enters request in an online form while talking to the customer on the phone.
    • [step 2] CS staff hits the enter key. All technical, administrative and commercial staff involved see this request in their queue instantaneously with any relevant dependencies and
    • [step 3] execute as requested. Depending on workload request are spread over multiple queues.

    There is no step four.

    As my friend Tom used to say, “perhaps not”.

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